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Employee benefits are designed in consultation

For DigiC, De Unie has joined forces with experienced research agency MWM2. Together, we have developed a validated methodology for transparent collective bargaining. DigiC enables insight, engagement and support for the employer as well as employees. All employees are involved, because the CLA affects everyone.

InnerVoice, part of MWM2, specialises in employee surveys, questionnaires and panels. De Unie has extensive experience in collective bargaining and ensures as a trade union that the agreements are legally secured. What do you get out of this cooperation? You know exactly what your employees want and make legally valid agreements that they fully support.

Bart Willems, manager strategy and policy at De Unie

Bart has been active in the trade union sector for many years. He is currently responsible for the association’s strategy. He supervises DigiC projects from De Unie and ensures that good agreements about the process are made. Together with the CLA negotiator, he sees to it that these agreements culminate in a good final result.

Peter Kelleter, panel leader

Peter worked as a CLA negotiator for many years and is therefore very well acquainted with the field of industrial relations. He is currently active as an independent MfN-registered mediator, as well as a trainer and consultant for works councils. Peter is responsible for the panel discussions during DigiC projects. By bringing together substantive knowledge and conversation skills, he manages to involve employees and employers optimally in the collective bargaining.

Fenneke Vegter, senior researcher InnerVoice|MWM2

Fenneke has expertise in research on employee satisfaction and collective bargaining issues. Together with her team from InnerVoice|MWM2, she supervises research and guarantees an objective, responsible approach as well as clear reports. In this way, she ensures that the collective bargaining focuses on the facts.

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